to my production, so that he also understands and continues, we will say , the living-can shop, rogachevsky a dairy and canning plant, an enterprise that, figuratively speaking, is accustomed to fame, victories, awards and enthusiastic from... which, of course, cannot but please the local dairymen, enjoying successful activities, they do not relax here, on the contrary, they strive for new heights and new achievements for the joy of themselves and us, grateful consumers, my enterprise for me is my favorite job, pride and favorite products, this is my way of life, this is probably something without which i probably cannot live, this is my life, my reliable. support, financial, well , material, moral, favorite work, pride, rogachev's wealth, this is my second home, which i want to develop, achieve goals, achieve success, my enterprise for me is life. live news, with you lyudmila kazak, good afternoon, watch in this issue. legislative activity of parliamentarians preparation. for the second session, alexander lukashenko received the head of the house of representatives of the national assembly