after all, it turned out that its excess is perceived by the body as the ends of a rogen and can subsequentlyctivated charcoal is that it interferes with the actions of vital drugs and the absorption of nutrients. frequent intake of charcoal can cause nausea, constipation, ulcers. and this is in the end can lead to the ecology of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. the success of black coal began to use a new drug called white coal. true, it costs 10 times more expensive, although, as correspondent lena vasilyevskaya found out, he is not quite the same, it turns out that it is not coal that pretends to be in the composition of tablets, but the building material silicon dioxide in these places, like sand from some caribbean coast and there is real silicon dioxide, these white crystals, strong, hard and plastic dioxide silicon is added to rubber for sustainability, to bricks for strength, to cement for flowability , and even to cake chips to prevent lumps. but these white tablets are silicon dioxide in its purest form, only marketers. for some reason, they called them white coal, although