was that roger ails applauding out there? some republicans have suggested that the bill contains a few omissions. that's ridiculous. there aren't a few secret provisions in the healthcare plan. there are like hundreds. tonight in the interest of transparency, i'd like to share a couple. let's see, this revision is called the bay state of denial. it reads, this bill shade cover short-term memory loss related to the passage of massachusetts healthcare reform. so good news, your condition is covered. this next provision is called the jersey shora. it reads, the following veds shall be excluded from the indoor tanning tax within this bill, snooki, j-wow, the situation, and house minority leader john boehner. this also put a common misconception to rest. it says right here, if you do not leak the ruling of your death panel, you can appeal. now, look, obviously i've learned this year politics can be a tough business, but there are times where you just can't help but laugh. know what really tickles me? eric massey. apparently massa