roger altman is chairman and founder of evercore and our guest host for the next two hours, we don't for you. this does not imply dinosaur, it just implieps that he's wise, he's seen it all. byron-asaurus rex. not every guest has a name with it. and we have music. >> oh, really? >> roger, i'll start with you. this is the lead story in the journal. suddenly people realize maybe the fed will not be here forever and maybe the stock market and financial markets actually need to respond to underlying fundamentals with the economy. should it have gone down and will this be a long-term trend or just a one-day thing? >> it seems to me, joe, that this is a pretty standard mini correction and that it's essentially healthy. we see these all the time. during early phases of bull markets. i hope that that's what this is and i believe it is. and that the market is taking a breath, looking again at the strength at the u.s. recovery and also at europe and concluding that the u.s. recovery is decent but not powerful and that the european crisis, as so many people have said, is not entirely over. >> b