barry: again, the cardinal just not going away. it bounces around and finally drops down for roger franklin. we got a time-out on the floor with a nine point oklahoma state lead. it's 61-52 lead. the cardinal are all about coaching and practice. >> marques: the best offense has been on the inbound plays. zimmermann nice job, trotter finding the seam, landry fields gets the screen, fades into the corner, jeremy green a little staggered double screen. he knocks down a shot so he's able to square up. johnny dawkins and his outstanding staff and they've done a nice job of designing and executing taish working on the execution of those offensive plays. >> barry: how long dube wait to landry fields? >> marques: you have to have a feel for your team, and right now, i mean, the way they're playing, jeremy green, offensively playing well, the defense has picked up. you could probably wait another two minutes if you wanted to just to see how this game continues to flow, because stanford is coaching ten points and we're out of the game. we're out nine. you haven't lost anything. >> barry: this week it'