roger ganum. roger one of the things that the some sponsors saying we will be a troop that doesn't welcome gay leaders while the troop downed the road may take them on. can you live with that? >> well, i think it's not a question of whether i could live with it. we know that the groups pushing this homosexual inclusion agenda on the boy scouts such as the human rights campaign are on record saying that's not good enough for them. so this fight will not go away by extending a local option. the other problem with that is this: scouting rose to greatness with this help and support of churches and religious organizations that hosted scout troops. now typically those organizations are exempted from local nondiscrimination laws regarding sexual orientation because of their sincerely held religious beliefs against homosexual conduct. if the organization such as the boy scouts adopts a permissive policy against homosexual conduct, it is going to put churches in a position of potentially secluding scouts in order to preserve their exemp