rumble joining me on the panel tonight vince collin a senior online editor of the daily caller roger hickey co-director the campaign for america's future and brian darling for human events dot com and director of government studies at the heritage foundation let's get let's get started well you got to have you here with us the senate republicans yesterday filibustered a payroll tax cut extension for one hundred sixty million. americans a thousand bucks apiece on average and at first they filibustered this because there was. a three point eight percent on income over one million dollars on the million and first so that was you know that they didn't go for that now they're talking about slapping the keep the keystone x.l. pipeline in there which obama has already said he doesn't want anything to do with he will vote he will veto so it sounds like what they're saying is we'll give the middle class their tax cuts but only if they're willing to choke on the pollution from our refineries why do republicans insist on combining tax cuts for the middle class with poison pill well obama not liking th