roger kiska from the case christian legal center told us that evidence gathered in such a way could potentially prevent other quit in court and you look at the crime shows on t.v. and they have solicitation of prostitution or or pull undercover policeman doing. selling drugs those are incidences where they're not committing crimes now generating child pornography certainly is so whether they're creating a crime or not is one question to me the bigger question is the issue of whether you can convict someone based on evidence that was gathered through criminal activity and i think that this might backfire on them by catching people not having to release them because of tarnished evidence. well just a little bit more allness the internet watch fund ation reports on child sexual abuse imagery fun that europe is the world's worst when it comes to online child pornography the continent hosts are on 2 thirds of all confirmed cases with the netherlands having the most offenders political commentator under walker former british police officer peter kirk and shared their views with us. it would oversee h