i write movingly after talking to roger mudd about mudd and cronkite's up and down relationship. the head honcho at cbs, after cronkite did a lack luster performance in san francisco, pulled cronkite from doing the atlantic city democratic convention of lyndon b. johnson. there was a duo to compete with brinkley. cronkite thought mudd was tried to take his spot. their relationship had a lot of ups and downs. it was very moving at the end of their lives. mudd was working at the history channel. his hearing was failing. at the end, cronkite almost tearfully said "you are a good man." they healed that relationship. >> he was born and raised in missouri. it was the hub of the pony express. his father was a dentist. he came from a family of dentists, german and dutch ancestry. in his early years, 1916-1927, he worked in the trolley system. it becomes a hallmark of his life. he is obsessed with transportation. it is one of his many interests. why he is a reporter is his curiosity about how things work. he sold "liberty" magazine. they loaded up in the car in 1927 and they moved to hous