chief justice roger taney ruled that president lincoln had violated the constitution by suspending the writ of habeas corpus. the right to challenge your detention. but that was during wartime, and congress later authorized what he was doing. and it was all 160 years ago. right. so this is this is new in modern history. i guess the biggest question that's left on the table is, are we already in a constitutional crisis? those two words. right. constitutional crisis. lawyers tend to be very cautious with their words. and they talk about the possibility of a crisis. but maybe maybe we already are in one. if the executive can ignore a court order with no real fallout, and this happens repeatedly, we're faced with a prospect of a very different system of government than the one we have, one in which the president is nearly a monarch. here's the truth the rule of law does not magically spring from the constitution. it's a social concept, a social consensus, and a very delicate one. it's an unwritten agreement among everyone in this country. generation after generation. that we and our govern