. >> wendy: well, iran has a new president, president rohani.s this good news for your husband, or will it factor in at all? >> at the same day he was elected, there was a christian a few years in prison -- above rohani is the supreme leader, who really controls everything, and his policy towards christianity has always been the same, that they see it as a threat to their national security. and i don't see much of a change. i hope they try to present -- try to bring more freedom for the christians and release saeed, but -- >> wendy: but right now you don't think it will make much of a difference? >> i don't think it will make much of a difference. >> wendy: naghmeh, you were born in iran to muslim parents -- how did you become a christian? >> god's grace. i was always seeking him. i grew up when i was very young in iran, and there was a war and there were bombs, and it was a war with iran and iraq. that made me think about who is god, where is he? i tried to find him through islam. and at the young age, 8 or 9. and when i came to the states, my