and executive director rohrer and i are available for any questions as, my apologies. i don't understand why are you backfilling with that $3 million? what? what exactly are you. what cuts was it that you're exactly. or so. so every year we're supposed to get okay, so $3 million. we're supposed to get $3 million. yeah $1.7 million is being used for the cost of doing business. and that other 1.3 is being used to, to, to fund some of the other general fund cuts that were that we were asked to make. but is that how we can use the baseline for dignity fund? i thought the dignity fund has, as a baseline, has to be dedicated to the senior programing that is listed there. so all 3 million should be going to that and not not like what you have. just what i'm seeing here as half and half . good afternoon committee. my name is celia pedroza and i'm the budget director at h.s.a, what we're describing in this slide is one of the strategies that the agency is using to meet our budget target and to cover costs of doing business increases. so we're utilizing the $3 million in dignity