roizen, do you like that? >> it's the intensity that you're getting is excellent and it actually is healthy. >> there you go. >> if you can do it a little bit longer. >> no one enjoys any of this. >> the bottom line with exercise -- you enjoy it when it's done. >> there is no such thing. >> when it comes to exercise, i find this with so many people that i personally work with, and this is why i argue with what you said, it puts people in a positive mindset to then make smart food choices later in the day. >> i don't want anyone watching. i have written 5 million books on exercise out there. i exercise. i believe in it. it increases serotonin levels. it makes you feel good, keeps your muscles young. youthful, toned and firm but what the science -- this is the new science that's just come out truly, the more you exercise, the more you build your appetite. that's what doctors used to tell your patients in the 1950s if you needed to gain weight go exercise because it will build up your appetite. work out. >> exerc