May 17, 2017
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government for the death of rojas.ell, for more, we're joined now by christian ramirez, the director of southern border communities coalition and human rights director of alliance san diego. christian welcome to democracy , now! talk about this latest news. >> this is an unprecedented move by human rights organizations in the united states. this is the first time the united states government is facing accusations in an international forum for next are judicial killing. we are terribly saddened we had to reach this point in which we had to go to an international arena to seek justice as a result of seven long years of waiting for justice to be served first under the obama administration and now under the trump administration. the patient's in the family -- the patience and the family has run out. we've had no choice. the trump administration has three months to respond to the petition that was filed by the family event over a year ago. amy: what can this world body do, christian? >> what this body does is hold the u.s.
government for the death of rojas.ell, for more, we're joined now by christian ramirez, the director of southern border communities coalition and human rights director of alliance san diego. christian welcome to democracy , now! talk about this latest news. >> this is an unprecedented move by human rights organizations in the united states. this is the first time the united states government is facing accusations in an international forum for next are judicial killing. we are terribly...
May 22, 2017
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en el caso de anastasio hernández rojas se cometió un--un homicidio.uenta hasta que cumplan la mayoría de edad. según los activistas, uno de los logros de este caso es que los agentes fronterizos ahora tendrán que portar cámaras corporales. volvemos después de una breve pausa con más de "aquí y ahora". no se vayan. locutor: después de una pausa, desmitificaron los supuestos poderes curativos de las pastillas de cartílago de tiburón. lisa: no hay regulación sobre lo que hay, por lo que las compañías ponen esas pastillas. [música] maría elena: muchos lo ven como un remedio para inflamaciones y dolores en las articulaciones, otros le atribuyen propiedades curativas para la artritis y hasta para el cáncer. hablamos de las pastillas de cartílago de tiburón. nicolás ibargüen, de la unidad del medio ambiente de univisión, nos cuenta por qué algunos científicos han puesto a prueba esos supuestos milagros de la medicina natural. nicolás: estos tiburones nadan libremente en las aguas de las islas bahamas, en el mar caribe, en donde son protegidos. aunque hay qui
en el caso de anastasio hernández rojas se cometió un--un homicidio.uenta hasta que cumplan la mayoría de edad. según los activistas, uno de los logros de este caso es que los agentes fronterizos ahora tendrán que portar cámaras corporales. volvemos después de una breve pausa con más de "aquí y ahora". no se vayan. locutor: después de una pausa, desmitificaron los supuestos poderes curativos de las pastillas de cartílago de tiburón. lisa: no hay regulación sobre lo que...
May 26, 2017
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falvio: su nombre es carlos rojas y naciÓ en california preside muy arraigadas sus raÍces. >> latinasa aquÍ toda mi vida. rojas asume el cargo de la seguridad y quinto sistema de trenes mÁs grande de los estados unidos luego del de new york, chicago, washington y massachusetts. mÁs de cuatro 56.000 personas usan a diario los trenes y nos hablÓ de una de las prioridades. >> realmente aprender de los sistemas que tenemos aquÍ y ver maneras de cÓmo trabajar con la comunidad. flavio: en este dÍa, rojas tuvo que lidiar con caso del hallazgo del cuerpo le estaciÓn en san leandro. rojas nos hablÓ respecto. >> parece que el cuerpo que encontraron era de un hombre en sus 30 pero no parece que sea homicidio, no hay trauma en el cuerpo. flavio: rojas aprovechÓ para asegurarles a los inmigrantes indocumentados que no deben detener al denunciar algÚn crimen. >> los policÍas estÁn aquÍ para asegurar la seguridad del pÚblico, no somos oficiales de inmigraciÓn. flavio: con respecto al periodismo, dijo que es una prioridad de la seguridad de miles de pasajeros. >> estoy muy orgulloso de estar aquÍ com
falvio: su nombre es carlos rojas y naciÓ en california preside muy arraigadas sus raÍces. >> latinasa aquÍ toda mi vida. rojas asume el cargo de la seguridad y quinto sistema de trenes mÁs grande de los estados unidos luego del de new york, chicago, washington y massachusetts. mÁs de cuatro 56.000 personas usan a diario los trenes y nos hablÓ de una de las prioridades. >> realmente aprender de los sistemas que tenemos aquÍ y ver maneras de cÓmo trabajar con la comunidad....
May 30, 2017
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organizaciones como la cruz roja espaÑola son las que se encargan de acompaÑar al refugiado.as imÁgenes en vivo. está entrando la neblina en algunas zonas de la regiÓn. albert: aarrancamos semana en la bahÍa con temperaturas entre los 60 y 70. llegamos a los 90 y alto, sobre todo en el sur. para el fin de semana prÓximo, mÁximas en los 88, casi 90, el por quÉ el cambio? cielos despejados y suben las temperaturas. si quieren navegar seguimos con esa advertencia en toda la zona costera. vemos nubes, medias y altas, en todo el litoral. van llegando hacia el interior. en cuanto a la zona de la bahÍa, como pueden ver, un cielo medio cubierto pasando por san francisco. y van a la zona advertencia por zona inundable, es que sigue el deshielo en toda esa zona montaÑosa. no hay escusa para los vigilantes del tiempo, quiero todas sus fotografÍas en nuestras redes sociales. a partir del fin de semana suben las temperaturas. presentadora: bbueno, este fin de semana comenzÓ el verano para muchas familias que suelen viajar ahora que estÁn de vacaciones. es mÁs importante que nunca saber cÓ
organizaciones como la cruz roja espaÑola son las que se encargan de acompaÑar al refugiado.as imÁgenes en vivo. está entrando la neblina en algunas zonas de la regiÓn. albert: aarrancamos semana en la bahÍa con temperaturas entre los 60 y 70. llegamos a los 90 y alto, sobre todo en el sur. para el fin de semana prÓximo, mÁximas en los 88, casi 90, el por quÉ el cambio? cielos despejados y suben las temperaturas. si quieren navegar seguimos con esa advertencia en toda la zona costera....
May 19, 2017
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giselle: mirando hacia abajo, si lucÍa richard rojas de 26 aÑos este jueves.. segÚn el alcalde de nueva york, rojas, del bronx, el veterano de la marina de estados unidos. el sospechoso ademÁs tenÍa antecedentes criminales. su primer arresto se llevÓ a cabo en el 2008 por manejar bajo la influencia del alcohol. siete aÑos mÁs tarde, vuelve a tener problemas con la justicia por la misma causa. pero el incidente mÁs reciente ocurriÓ la semana pasada cuando rojas fue arrestado por amenazar a alguien con un arma. durante la conferencia de prensa, el alcalde y el comisionado de la policÍa aclararon que el accidente no estÁ vinculado a un auto terrorista y mÁs bien esperan los resultados para confirmar si rojas estaba ebrio a la hora de los hechos. >> en esta Área, el departamento de policÍa que siempre tiene muchos agentes de policÍas en uniforme para darle seguridad al pÚblico. >> el temor a que se tratara de un ataque terrorista provocÓ que las redes sociales rÁpidamente comenzaron a circular imÁgenes y vÍdeos de lo ocurrido. rostros de los heridos, las imÁgenes
giselle: mirando hacia abajo, si lucÍa richard rojas de 26 aÑos este jueves.. segÚn el alcalde de nueva york, rojas, del bronx, el veterano de la marina de estados unidos. el sospechoso ademÁs tenÍa antecedentes criminales. su primer arresto se llevÓ a cabo en el 2008 por manejar bajo la influencia del alcohol. siete aÑos mÁs tarde, vuelve a tener problemas con la justicia por la misma causa. pero el incidente mÁs reciente ocurriÓ la semana pasada cuando rojas fue arrestado por...
May 19, 2017
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reportero: rojas, fue examinado para ver quÉ habÍa consumido.puesto cargos en su contra. ilia: un policÍa tratÓ de ayudar un hombre y se sorprendiÓ cuando el hombre lo quiso agredir. reportera: el policÍa caminÓ hacia el vehÍculo... el conductor se bajÓ y sorprendió al alguacil y le pego. el sheriff, rÁpidamente le dispara. en esta foto se puede ver al hombre golpeÁndolo. el hombre saliÓ corriendo herido y usÓ su camioneta como escudo. [habla en inglÉs] el oficial pidiÓ refuerzos por su radio. se tratÓ de acercar al agresor, que permanecÍa sentado a la carretera. le comenzÓ a gritar que subiera sus manos. el sheriff, fue elogiado por sus superiores, por su rÁpida reacciÓn. el agresor permanece detenido. el alguacil dice que esto muestra cÓmo en su carrera, cualquier situaciÓn se puede volver una situaciÓn de peligro. ilia: chelsea, quien antes se llamaba bradley, mostrÓ sus fotos a travÉs de las redes sociales. fue conocida por el escÁndalo de wikileaks. ilia: por tercera ocasiÓn consecutiva, un presidente de brasil, enfrenta pre macro justicia.
reportero: rojas, fue examinado para ver quÉ habÍa consumido.puesto cargos en su contra. ilia: un policÍa tratÓ de ayudar un hombre y se sorprendiÓ cuando el hombre lo quiso agredir. reportera: el policÍa caminÓ hacia el vehÍculo... el conductor se bajÓ y sorprendió al alguacil y le pego. el sheriff, rÁpidamente le dispara. en esta foto se puede ver al hombre golpeÁndolo. el hombre saliÓ corriendo herido y usÓ su camioneta como escudo. [habla en inglÉs] el oficial pidiÓ...
May 18, 2017
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he said rojas was posting, quote, crazy stuff online.nbc's chris pollone continues our coverage from the scene. chris? >> reporter: yeah, and doreen, it's an eerie and surreal quiet in time squire. look behind me. you can see the only people allowed in times square, police officers and a handful of reporters. normally this would be teeming with activity. after this happened, police were quick to say they don't believe rojas had any ties to international terrorism. they say, as a matter of fact, courses who were there when he was arrested, indicated that it appeared he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol when he was arrested. chaos and panic in the cross roads of the world. >> we got a car running people over. with tourists and workers on one of the hottest days of the year. witnesses say a car turned the wrong way on seventh avenue, went up on the sidewalk and plowed into everyone in its path. >> i didn't hear any brakes or any screeching sounds. the driver made it three blocks before slamming into barriers. >> all i hear is like
he said rojas was posting, quote, crazy stuff online.nbc's chris pollone continues our coverage from the scene. chris? >> reporter: yeah, and doreen, it's an eerie and surreal quiet in time squire. look behind me. you can see the only people allowed in times square, police officers and a handful of reporters. normally this would be teeming with activity. after this happened, police were quick to say they don't believe rojas had any ties to international terrorism. they say, as a matter of...
May 19, 2017
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the man, 26-year-old richard rojas, a u.s.izen and former navy bret from the bronx told them he smoked something before plowing into a pack sometimes square. rojas told police he thought the world was coming the an end. in the immediate aftermath pedestrians helped police apprehend rojas and forced him to the ground. squirming and struggling in the cellphone video, police escort him into a while all around unimaginable carnage. firefighters dousing the car, trying to put out the flames. >> we did get a very quick response from police officers on the scene, from fire units, people were treated and transported as quickly as possible. >> reporter: first responders scrambling to help nearly two dodds eninjured, ambulances taking them to nearby hospitals. 18-year-old alyssa elsman, visiting from michigan was hit, she did not survive. pandemonium in the streets, pedestrians in shock. annie donahay crossed the street when the car came down the sidewalk. >> first it was like a foot away from her and she was hit. >> reporter: and that
the man, 26-year-old richard rojas, a u.s.izen and former navy bret from the bronx told them he smoked something before plowing into a pack sometimes square. rojas told police he thought the world was coming the an end. in the immediate aftermath pedestrians helped police apprehend rojas and forced him to the ground. squirming and struggling in the cellphone video, police escort him into a while all around unimaginable carnage. firefighters dousing the car, trying to put out the flames....
May 19, 2017
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rojas was arrested at the scene. two sources say rojas claims he was hearing voices. they are investigating whether it was a deliberate act and are conducting detailed drug tests. rojas tested negative for alcohol but he has a history of arrests for driving while intoxicated as well as other infractions. police identified his alleged victim as 18-year-old alyss alyssa elseman of michigan. she was at times square with her 13-year-old sister who was among the injured and taken to a hospital. four of the hospitalized have serious injuries. >>> iranians are lining up at the polls today as the country holds its 12th presidential election. incumbent president, hassan rouhani is seeking a second term. the moderate candidates was mobbed by photographers this morning. it's a minute opponent is ebrahim raisi. some iranian women fear any gains made could be rolled back. in a vote could signal inward looking iran, could find itself at odds with the united states. >>> for the first time ever the united states launched an air strike directly against pro assad forces in syria. there
rojas was arrested at the scene. two sources say rojas claims he was hearing voices. they are investigating whether it was a deliberate act and are conducting detailed drug tests. rojas tested negative for alcohol but he has a history of arrests for driving while intoxicated as well as other infractions. police identified his alleged victim as 18-year-old alyss alyssa elseman of michigan. she was at times square with her 13-year-old sister who was among the injured and taken to a hospital. four...
May 20, 2017
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rojas es un veterano de la marina, hace cinco aÑos fue acusado de golpear a un taxista en la florida.cargos de intento de asesinato. >> el seÑor rojas ha sido arrestado dos veces en el pasado por manejar sobre la influencia del alcohol. una vez en el aÑo 2008 y otra en el aÑo 2015, recientemente fue arrestado por atropellar a una persona en enero de este aÑo. blanca: las flores son en homenaje a las vÍctimas de un incidente del cual aÚn no se saben exactamente los motivos. jorge: quÉ imÁgenes tan duras. vamos a los angeles con marÍa elena salinas. marÍa elena: gracias jorge, saludos. un activista de california quien se destacÓ por la defensa que hizo de su madre detenida hace un mes por cargos relacionados por trÁfico de drogas, fue arrestada por agentes federales junto a seis personas mÁs. los agentes aseguran que la muchacha de 22 aÑos, claudia rueda, estÁ vinculada con traficantes pero su abogado alega que se trata de una revancha. jaime: estudiantes de los angeles mantienen una vigilia desde ayer frente a la estaciÓn de la patrulla fronteriza en san diego exigiendo la liberaciÓn d
rojas es un veterano de la marina, hace cinco aÑos fue acusado de golpear a un taxista en la florida.cargos de intento de asesinato. >> el seÑor rojas ha sido arrestado dos veces en el pasado por manejar sobre la influencia del alcohol. una vez en el aÑo 2008 y otra en el aÑo 2015, recientemente fue arrestado por atropellar a una persona en enero de este aÑo. blanca: las flores son en homenaje a las vÍctimas de un incidente del cual aÚn no se saben exactamente los motivos. jorge:...
May 20, 2017
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rojas seen here trying to flee. that's when kenya bradix, right behind rojas there in the hat, helped stop him. holding rojas' head while an officer handcuffed him. >> you went over there and you tackled him. you stopped him. >> i stopped him. >> from doing any more damage. >> that is correct. >> did he say anything to you? >> he was just screaming but there were no words. >> reporter: rojas, handcuffed and in court today. charged with 20 counts of attempted murder. and one count of murder. 18-year-old alyssa ellsman visiting from michigan, losing her life. he was apprehended at the scene, after speeding down three streets. creating 60 seconds of terror. hitting nearly two dozen people and not stopping until it slams in these steel security barriers. crowds all around. tonight the nypd crediting those bollards with saving lives. >> many more people would have been killed or seriously injured if it weren't for the security measures in place on 45th street. >> and linsey davis with us live tonight. times square, of co
rojas seen here trying to flee. that's when kenya bradix, right behind rojas there in the hat, helped stop him. holding rojas' head while an officer handcuffed him. >> you went over there and you tackled him. you stopped him. >> i stopped him. >> from doing any more damage. >> that is correct. >> did he say anything to you? >> he was just screaming but there were no words. >> reporter: rojas, handcuffed and in court today. charged with 20 counts of...
May 18, 2017
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the driver, a 26-year-old male, identified as richard rojas, a residence of the bronx, was taken n.o custody at the scene. preliminary investigation reveals that roj a jchltrojas h arrest respect and two are for dwi. >> are so there you have it, confirmation again that this is not terror related. the suspect in custody has a criminal record, he's a former member of the armed forces. he plowed into a crowd of 23 people, one of those people died, the other 22 were with taken to area hospitals. commissioner bratton, ittaken to area hospitals. commissioner bratton, it seems this is a situation that could have been, could have been, far, far worse. >> exactly. times square noontime, those sidewalks are wall to wall people. and also aiding this investigation will be probably the most heavily photographed area in the world. a number of cameras they will have very significant video from multiple angles to determine exactly what occurred as far as being able to investigate the circumstances. as i've indicated, they will be doing significant research into this individual as to previous incide
the driver, a 26-year-old male, identified as richard rojas, a residence of the bronx, was taken n.o custody at the scene. preliminary investigation reveals that roj a jchltrojas h arrest respect and two are for dwi. >> are so there you have it, confirmation again that this is not terror related. the suspect in custody has a criminal record, he's a former member of the armed forces. he plowed into a crowd of 23 people, one of those people died, the other 22 were with taken to area...
May 19, 2017
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rojas also arrested on suspicion of battery.and back in 2012 at the florida naval base police believe rojas beat an cab driver >>> new orleans took another step to erase its confederate past. the statue of robert e. lee was removed from its ped stool. it's the final monument to be dismantled in recent days. other than the three others that were removed over night, lee's statue was taken down during the day. those statues erected after the civil war were part of a movement celebrating and promoting white supremacy. >>> just ahead a victory for drone operators no longer required to register with the feds. >> plus the judge over seeing the estate of prince issues an important ruling. >> and a maryland father is struggling to find his two children three years after they vanished. he believes the authorities had issued an amber alert it could have helped. tonight at 11:00, find out why that didn't happen. catch how amber alerts work tonight at 11:00. narrator:to do time is what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war
rojas also arrested on suspicion of battery.and back in 2012 at the florida naval base police believe rojas beat an cab driver >>> new orleans took another step to erase its confederate past. the statue of robert e. lee was removed from its ped stool. it's the final monument to be dismantled in recent days. other than the three others that were removed over night, lee's statue was taken down during the day. those statues erected after the civil war were part of a movement celebrating...
May 26, 2017
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sot carlos rojas, jefe de la policia de bart vo rojas fue el jefe de la policia de santa ana... ha recibido varias medallas de valor, tiene una licenciatura y una maestria en justicia criminal, y ha sido entrenado en la academia nacional del buro federal de investigaciones.. .conocido como fbi.... hoy se convirtio en el primer jefe latino de la agencia de transporte... sandra bermudez, noticiero telemundo 48... take vo / cesar --- debajo de la frontera, nuestras cmara hacen un recorrido en uno de los muchos tneles usados por narcotraficantes para traer droga de mxico a estados unidos --- gabriel live continua la accion en corea del sur, honduras y estados unidos vieron accion esta madrugada en el mundial sub20 ademas take sports vo todo listo para que tigres y chivas el dia de hoy disputan los primeros noventa minutos de la gran fial del futbol mexicano... los detalle en deportes. lorena --- en noticiero telemundo 48 --- en noticiero telemundo 48 somos primeros con la noticia, tenemos informacin de ltimo minuto desde stockton donde bomberos combaten las llamas de un incendio de
sot carlos rojas, jefe de la policia de bart vo rojas fue el jefe de la policia de santa ana... ha recibido varias medallas de valor, tiene una licenciatura y una maestria en justicia criminal, y ha sido entrenado en la academia nacional del buro federal de investigaciones.. .conocido como fbi.... hoy se convirtio en el primer jefe latino de la agencia de transporte... sandra bermudez, noticiero telemundo 48... take vo / cesar --- debajo de la frontera, nuestras cmara hacen un recorrido en uno...
May 19, 2017
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that's when kenya bradix, right behind rojas there in the hat, helped stop him. holding rojas' head while an officer handcuffed him. >> you went over there and you tackled him. you stopped him. >> i stopped him. that is correct. >> did he say anything to you? >> he was just screaming but there were no words. >> reporter: rojas, handcuffed and in court today. charged with 20 counts of attempted murder. and one count of murder. 18-year-old alyssa ellsman visiting from michigan losing her life. creating 60 seconds of terror. hitting nearly two dozen people and not stopping until it slams in these steel security barriers. crowds all around. tonight the nypd crediting those ballards with saving lives. >> times square, of course, one of the most watched, busiest areas in the world. and now, authorities re-evaluating security there? >> reporter: yes, the city plans to re-evaluate security. and just in the last 24 hours, they've put up these concrete barricades. and they're being extra vigilant. >> thank you. >>> there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this
that's when kenya bradix, right behind rojas there in the hat, helped stop him. holding rojas' head while an officer handcuffed him. >> you went over there and you tackled him. you stopped him. >> i stopped him. that is correct. >> did he say anything to you? >> he was just screaming but there were no words. >> reporter: rojas, handcuffed and in court today. charged with 20 counts of attempted murder. and one count of murder. 18-year-old alyssa ellsman visiting...
May 19, 2017
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that was not alcohol. >> investigators say richard rojas had two prior dui arrest. at first he tested negative for alcohol. friends of rojas say he has not been the same since coming back from active duty in the navy and that he has been posting "crazy stuff online." >>> later today president trump leaves on his first overseas trip as the president. it's a chance for him to change the subject after a whirlwind week of denials and damage control. caroline shively has that story from washington. >> reporter: the president heads to saudi arabia first and onto western europe. meanwhile in dc, a special counsel is pushing ahead into the investigation into mr. trump and his ouster national security adviser michael flynn. president trump defending his interactions with fired fbi director james comey. >> did you at any time urge former fbi director james comey in any way, shape, or form to close her back down the investigation into michael flynn ? and also as you -- >> no. no. next question. >> reporter: and denying any personal ties to russia. >> the entire thing has been
that was not alcohol. >> investigators say richard rojas had two prior dui arrest. at first he tested negative for alcohol. friends of rojas say he has not been the same since coming back from active duty in the navy and that he has been posting "crazy stuff online." >>> later today president trump leaves on his first overseas trip as the president. it's a chance for him to change the subject after a whirlwind week of denials and damage control. caroline shively has...
May 19, 2017
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richard rojas is a navy veteran.people and at least one died, an 18-year-old tourist from michigan. officials say this was not an act of terrorism. >>> and today, president trump leaves on his first overseas trip as commander in chief. yesterday he denied he had collaborated with russia. he also denied reports that he asked former fbi director james comey to end the investigation. mr. trump said the investigation is a witch hunt that hurts the country. the president said he'll name a nominee to succeed comey soon. >>> well, the white house described president trump's overseas trip as an attempt to unite major religions against radical islam. mark phillips looks at mr. trump's image overseas. >> i think that there's a sense of horrified fascination here in europe. >> reporter: fascination and fear. according to jonathan powell, who ran the british prime minister's office during the tony blair years, and who knows about dealing with u.s. presidents. when they're preoccupied with political intrigue at home, he says, for
richard rojas is a navy veteran.people and at least one died, an 18-year-old tourist from michigan. officials say this was not an act of terrorism. >>> and today, president trump leaves on his first overseas trip as commander in chief. yesterday he denied he had collaborated with russia. he also denied reports that he asked former fbi director james comey to end the investigation. mr. trump said the investigation is a witch hunt that hurts the country. the president said he'll name a...
May 19, 2017
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te sorprenderá lo que pasa al ponerte tu ♪ iz roja. segundos raíces impecables. cero raíces ♪ root cover up, de l'oréal hair colorist paris. ♪ ¿otra? ¡ugh! cuando denny's agrega queso gouda derretido a una hamburguesa 100% de res, sabes que estás ante algo sofisticadamente elegante. ok, ok... no exageren. la nueva bacon gouda burger de denny's. es sofisticada. >>> (musica) >>> esta noche en el capo se m arma una revuelta en la carcel la vrri es la primera en dar la cara estoy loca porve ver el avance. >>> (alboroto) >>> asi las queria encontrar, a mamciacitas. >>> a ti sera la primera que te hare caer. >>> te esrttoy esperandop. >>> venga perri. >>> perri princesa, dejame de r decirte que a la perris le deben tener miedo. >>> esa se va con todo pero te tengo que platicar de otra de unestranuestras series la querida del centauro yolanda podria estar cerca de e descfubrubrir su pasado?. >>> no se perop no se acuerda de nada pero de lo que se acuerda, ay papa. >>> siento que hacen todo lo posible para que no sepa nada de mi vida de antes.
te sorprenderá lo que pasa al ponerte tu ♪ iz roja. segundos raíces impecables. cero raíces ♪ root cover up, de l'oréal hair colorist paris. ♪ ¿otra? ¡ugh! cuando denny's agrega queso gouda derretido a una hamburguesa 100% de res, sabes que estás ante algo sofisticadamente elegante. ok, ok... no exageren. la nueva bacon gouda burger de denny's. es sofisticada. >>> (musica) >>> esta noche en el capo se m arma una revuelta en la carcel la vrri es la primera en dar...
May 20, 2017
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carlos nieves "rojas estaba manejando su vehculo hacia el sur en la avenida siete.espero que el trfico pasara entonces hizo una derecha y otra derecha y monto a la acera dndoles a las personas" segn la polica richard rojas sigui acelerando todo su trayectoria en la vereda hasta la calle 45 testigos del sangriento hecho describan su comportamiento justo antes de su arresto sot. miguel lezama testigo "no lo vi tomado estaba como loco porque cuando choc el carro yo me hice un lado y me pase al medio de la calle y el dio tres brincos y se tir al suelo y volvi a brincar y se hecho a correr pa'lla " cesar --- el 70 por ciento de los casos migratorios en la ciudad de "santa ana"al sur del estado, no tienen representacin legal, dejando a muchos con el temor de ser deportados... --- qu dicen las autoridades al respecto? ... --- "martn plascencia" investig y nos tiene los detalles --- take pkg :01 :10 :29 01:23 pkg la familia maldonado gonzalez sabe lo que significa no poder hacer nada para detener o pelear la deportacion de un ser querido marisol gonzalez/hija de padres depo
carlos nieves "rojas estaba manejando su vehculo hacia el sur en la avenida siete.espero que el trfico pasara entonces hizo una derecha y otra derecha y monto a la acera dndoles a las personas" segn la polica richard rojas sigui acelerando todo su trayectoria en la vereda hasta la calle 45 testigos del sangriento hecho describan su comportamiento justo antes de su arresto sot. miguel lezama testigo "no lo vi tomado estaba como loco porque cuando choc el carro yo me hice un lado y...
May 19, 2017
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rojas quien alegÓ en un interrogatorio que se sentÍa hostigado y perseguido.egÚn el alcalde bill de blasio. se ha incrementado la presencia. ocurre cada vez que la ciudad de nueva york tiene una situaciÓn de peligro. >> nos visita tanta gente de todo el mundo. imagÍnate, venir de vacaciones y encontrarte con esto. marÍa: los legisladores en sacramento debaten 130 proyectos de ey relacionados con la crisis de vivienda en california. esta avalancha de medidas legislativas. la aliviar los lemas para adquirir vivienda, proteger a los inquilinos e impulsar la construcciÓn de nuevas viviendas en el estado dorado. california es la sexta economÍa mÁs grande del mundo y como tal debe brindar vivienda a sus habitantes. ♪ ♪ ♪ se aproxima una onda de calor. con estaciones imÁgenes en vivo de san josÉ pasamos a la ventana al tiempo. presentadora: muy buenas noches, un gusto saludarlos. un sistema de alta presiÓn permite que tengamos una noche bien agradable en el Área de la bahÍa. temperaturas agradables. ya visitamos lo que es un momento significativo para las temperatura
rojas quien alegÓ en un interrogatorio que se sentÍa hostigado y perseguido.egÚn el alcalde bill de blasio. se ha incrementado la presencia. ocurre cada vez que la ciudad de nueva york tiene una situaciÓn de peligro. >> nos visita tanta gente de todo el mundo. imagÍnate, venir de vacaciones y encontrarte con esto. marÍa: los legisladores en sacramento debaten 130 proyectos de ey relacionados con la crisis de vivienda en california. esta avalancha de medidas legislativas. la aliviar...
May 18, 2017
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rojas also told police he thought the world was coming to an end. in the immediate aftermath, pedestrians help police apprehend rojas and force him to the ground. squirming and struggling in this cell phone video, police escort him into a waiting squad car. while all around, unimaginable carnage. >> step back, step back. >> firefighters dousing that car, trying to put out the flames. >> we did get a very quick response from police officers on the scene, from fire units, people were treated and transported as quickly as possible. >> reporter: first responders scrambling to help the nearly two dozen injured. ambulances taking them to nearby hospitals. 18-year-old alyssa ellsman visiting from michigan was hit. she did not survive. right there, you can see the destroyed bumper. times square, one of the busiest spots in the country now completely shut down. in all directions, this usually jam-packed area evacuated, leaving only police. pandemonium in the streets. pedestrians in shock. annie donahey had just crossed the street when the car came down sidew
rojas also told police he thought the world was coming to an end. in the immediate aftermath, pedestrians help police apprehend rojas and force him to the ground. squirming and struggling in this cell phone video, police escort him into a waiting squad car. while all around, unimaginable carnage. >> step back, step back. >> firefighters dousing that car, trying to put out the flames. >> we did get a very quick response from police officers on the scene, from fire units, people...
May 19, 2017
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once the car stopped, rojas tried to run but was tackled by a restaurant supervisor.spoke to abc's gio benitez. >> i ran toward him, and i tackled him down, and i just went -- an off-duty police assisting me as well as two other passers-by, and we subdued him, got him down to the ground and we waited for the police to come, and they showed up just seconds later. >> overnight police installed concrete barricades all around times square. meantime, rojas faces a string of charges including murder and attempted murder. >>> and we learned overnight that the search has been called off for a small plane carrying a new york ceo and her two young children. that plane with jennifer blumin on board vanished monday in the bermuda triangle. her sons, ages 3 and 4 and her friend, pilot nathan ulrich, were also on board. the pilot was heading from puerto rico to florida. a debris field was discovered in the bahamas on tuesday. >>> also breaking overnight, a firefighter is dead after a massive fire at a shopping center in san antonio. scott deem, a six-year member of the san antonio
once the car stopped, rojas tried to run but was tackled by a restaurant supervisor.spoke to abc's gio benitez. >> i ran toward him, and i tackled him down, and i just went -- an off-duty police assisting me as well as two other passers-by, and we subdued him, got him down to the ground and we waited for the police to come, and they showed up just seconds later. >> overnight police installed concrete barricades all around times square. meantime, rojas faces a string of charges...
May 26, 2017
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sot carlos rojas, jefe de la policia de bart vo rojas fue el jefe de la policia de santa ana...ido varias medallas de valor, tiene una licenciatura y una maestria en justicia criminal, y ha sido entrenado en la academia nacional del buro federal de investigaciones.. .conocido como fbi.... hoy se convirtio en el primer jefe latino de la agencia de transporte... sandra bermudez, noticiero telemundo 48... cesar-ots --- medicos de stanford estan creando un ejercito de asistentes para salvar vidas... take vo --- los reclutas de hoy fueron alumnos de la preparatoria "sequioa" en redwood city... --- capacitaron a los estudiantes en primeros auxilios en caso de que algun dia tengan que enfrentar un tiroteo masivo... --- por ejemplo, si alguien resulta herido, otro pueda intervenir, siendo capaz de evitar un sangrado que puede costar la vida. vo/lorena --un grupo de ladrones irrumpen en una tienda apple de walnut creek llevandose varios dispositivos electronicos que estaban en exhibicion. --las autoridades dicen que este negocio ha sido el blanco de los amantes de lo ajeno, hasta en dos
sot carlos rojas, jefe de la policia de bart vo rojas fue el jefe de la policia de santa ana...ido varias medallas de valor, tiene una licenciatura y una maestria en justicia criminal, y ha sido entrenado en la academia nacional del buro federal de investigaciones.. .conocido como fbi.... hoy se convirtio en el primer jefe latino de la agencia de transporte... sandra bermudez, noticiero telemundo 48... cesar-ots --- medicos de stanford estan creando un ejercito de asistentes para salvar...
May 19, 2017
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the driver-- 26-year-old richard rojas -- was wrestled to the ground and arrested. he is now awaiting arraignment. multiple witnesses caught the mayhem on camera as a car plowed through pedestrians for several blocks. an 18-year-old woman from michigan was killed. 22 others were hurt. witnesses say the car never even slowed down. police do not believe "terrorism" is a factor in this police do not believe "terrorism" is a factor in this crime. and investigators say rojas told police that he had been "hearing voices" before the attack. developing now.. the debate is intensifying over whether to change the name of jeb stuart high school in falls church. about 70 people showed up at a meeting last night to discuss the issue. many residents are upset that the school is named after a confederate general. school district officials say it would cost nearly school district officials say it would cost nearly 700-thousand dollars to change the name on signs, scoreboards, and uniforms. the school board could make a decision next month. coming up-- a stunning i-team investigatio
the driver-- 26-year-old richard rojas -- was wrestled to the ground and arrested. he is now awaiting arraignment. multiple witnesses caught the mayhem on camera as a car plowed through pedestrians for several blocks. an 18-year-old woman from michigan was killed. 22 others were hurt. witnesses say the car never even slowed down. police do not believe "terrorism" is a factor in this police do not believe "terrorism" is a factor in this crime. and investigators say rojas told...
May 18, 2017
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efectivamente lo hemos hablado, el sospechoso del incidente es el hispano richard rojas.ajo los efectos del cole. y ademÁs le cuento que de acuerdo a testigos estaban precisamente aquÍ, en el sitio el vehÍculo honda que conducía, cÍrculo en direcciÓn contraria por aproximadamente tres cuadras, provocando esto. el accidente que le quite la vida a una persona y dejo heridas a 22. el conductor de inmediato fue detenido por el departamento de policÍa de new york, y ojo, segÚn fuentes policiales podrÍa estar bajo los efectos del alcohol. esto es lo que se sabe hasta el momento sobre el sospechoso. carolina como javier. carolina: bueno, aylin, nos dimos cuenta que esto pueda suceder por redes sociales. rÁpidamente hallamos la fotografÍas de la gente que hacia la misma pregunta, ¿quÉ estÁ pasando en times square? y fue justamente donde se ven las primeras reacciones. aylin: asÍ es, tenemos algunas que rescatamos de las redes sociales. y les voy a compartir, las podrÁn ver detrás de mi. por ejemplo una persona comentaba que estaba muy agradecida precisamenteporque su hermana no e
efectivamente lo hemos hablado, el sospechoso del incidente es el hispano richard rojas.ajo los efectos del cole. y ademÁs le cuento que de acuerdo a testigos estaban precisamente aquÍ, en el sitio el vehÍculo honda que conducía, cÍrculo en direcciÓn contraria por aproximadamente tres cuadras, provocando esto. el accidente que le quite la vida a una persona y dejo heridas a 22. el conductor de inmediato fue detenido por el departamento de policÍa de new york, y ojo, segÚn fuentes...
May 26, 2017
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hoy juramentaron a carlos rojas como el nuevo jefe de la policÍa del bar, rojas estado al mando de resolveriÓ trabajar en un plan. >> lo primero es aprender de los sistemas que tenemos aquÍ, como tenemos los recursos en el departamento de policÍa y cÓmo trabajar con la comunidad. marÍa: rojas asegurÓ a los inmigrantes indocumentados que no deben temer denunciar algÚn crimen en el bar, dijo que su misiÓn es garantizar la seguridad del pÚblico. la abogada de la ciudad de oakland propuso pagar una indemnizaciÓn de casi 1 millón de dÓlares para resolver la demanda que presentÓ una adolescente que estuvo en el centro de un escÁndalo sexual que involucrÓ a varios uniformados. en 2006 la joven presentÓ una demanda por 6 millones de dÓlares en contra de las ideas alegando que fue vÍctima de abuso sexual a manos de varios agentes del orden incluso cuando era menor de edad. su abogada informÓ que su cliente analiza la propuesta de indemnizaciÓn. ante el supuesto bajo desempeÑo acadÉmico de muchos estudiantes en las escuelas pÚblicas del centro de san josÉ, un grupo de padres de familia propone apoyar
hoy juramentaron a carlos rojas como el nuevo jefe de la policÍa del bar, rojas estado al mando de resolveriÓ trabajar en un plan. >> lo primero es aprender de los sistemas que tenemos aquÍ, como tenemos los recursos en el departamento de policÍa y cÓmo trabajar con la comunidad. marÍa: rojas asegurÓ a los inmigrantes indocumentados que no deben temer denunciar algÚn crimen en el bar, dijo que su misiÓn es garantizar la seguridad del pÚblico. la abogada de la ciudad de oakland...
May 20, 2017
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in 2012 rojas told police in florida he wanted to kill officers. rojas is charged with murder and 20 counts of attempted murder in that crash. >>> a scene in the lehigh valley that neighbors weren't expected. police raided a home and took away atvs and motorcycles. the fbi will only say this is part of an active investigation. agents took a man and woman into custody. as many as ten people lived in the house including children. >>> a teen turns himself in after this video caught him waving a gun in a septa train. we're told the 17-year-old surrendered after seeing the video on television. he pulled the gun after getting into a fight on the line last week. >>> a 2-year-old boy is in the hospital after being shot four times. and right now the manhunt is underway for the gunman. this is a live picture from the scene. the boy was outside on the porch with his father when two men came up on bicycles and started firing at the father. but instead hit the little boy. we will keep updating you on this breaking news as we get more information. >>> first, com
in 2012 rojas told police in florida he wanted to kill officers. rojas is charged with murder and 20 counts of attempted murder in that crash. >>> a scene in the lehigh valley that neighbors weren't expected. police raided a home and took away atvs and motorcycles. the fbi will only say this is part of an active investigation. agents took a man and woman into custody. as many as ten people lived in the house including children. >>> a teen turns himself in after this video...
May 19, 2017
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richard rojas... was impaired while behind the wheel of this car. they say, the 26- year-old suspect tested positive for p-c-p. authorities said, the driver suffered from psychological issues... telling officers he heard voices before the incident... rojas was arrested just last week, after he pointed a knife at a notary.. and accused the notary of stealing his identity. (terisa estacio)
richard rojas... was impaired while behind the wheel of this car. they say, the 26- year-old suspect tested positive for p-c-p. authorities said, the driver suffered from psychological issues... telling officers he heard voices before the incident... rojas was arrested just last week, after he pointed a knife at a notary.. and accused the notary of stealing his identity. (terisa estacio)
May 17, 2017
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te sorprenderá lo que pasa al ponerte tu ♪ iz roja.tocó ser el árbol? ...porque soy alto !sí! pero también porque los árboles son fuertes, como tú. tú los ayudas a crecer. por eso también, les das leche y sus nueve nutrientes esenciales. leche, alimentando en grande cada día. >> ♪ el candelero, el candelero el candelero llegÓ♪. >>> eso, y vamos a pasar a las notas del candelero que estÁn miren, en la arena de tope a tope, las cachetadas se armaron ayer. >> pero entre todos los reporteros y cÁmaras asÍ, en medio de un zafarrancho terminÓ la primera audiencia en donde se enfrentaron cara a cara majorie de sousa y julian gil. >> al final le explicÓ lo que pasÓ frente al juez. >> >>> ella defiende sus derechos y yo los mÍos pero bueno, al fin y al cabo no pudimos llegar a un acuerdos finales, todavÍa hay una oportunidad de que se reÚnan los abogados y puedan conciliar entre ellos y la posibilidad de que nos volvamos a sentar nosotros, pero quÉ serÍa lo ideal cuando bien saben son mÁs de 200 y es el 50% inclusive de mi aportaciÓn de lo que
te sorprenderá lo que pasa al ponerte tu ♪ iz roja.tocó ser el árbol? ...porque soy alto !sí! pero también porque los árboles son fuertes, como tú. tú los ayudas a crecer. por eso también, les das leche y sus nueve nutrientes esenciales. leche, alimentando en grande cada día. >> ♪ el candelero, el candelero el candelero llegÓ♪. >>> eso, y vamos a pasar a las notas del candelero que estÁn miren, en la arena de tope a tope, las cachetadas se armaron ayer. >>...
May 22, 2017
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richard rojas told "the new york post" that he recently spoke to a mental health counselor at a local veterans center, but they never got back to him. pli police say rojas steered his car to the sidewalk last thursday killing a teenage tourist and injuring 22 others. rojas told the "post" that he wanted to apologize to all the families and his mother. >>> a pilot walks away from this crash landing in chester county safely. the small plane landed in this field. part of route 322 in westchester was closed for hours after the crash landing. witnesses tell us before 2:00 they saw the plane flying low, clipped power lines, and landed. the road was closed at copeland and frank while crews cleaned up the mess. >>> happening in trenton, the new jersey assembly will vote on a tax for daily fantasy sports. a type of internet gambling. the measure would require operators to pay a quarterly fee equal to 10% of their take. the bill only applies to daily games. not the seasonal fantasy sports games. >>> if you drive interstate 495 in wilmington expect delays this week. tonight through wednesday aft
richard rojas told "the new york post" that he recently spoke to a mental health counselor at a local veterans center, but they never got back to him. pli police say rojas steered his car to the sidewalk last thursday killing a teenage tourist and injuring 22 others. rojas told the "post" that he wanted to apologize to all the families and his mother. >>> a pilot walks away from this crash landing in chester county safely. the small plane landed in this field. part...
May 19, 2017
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that was not alcohol. >> investigators say rojas had two prior dui arrest. at first he tested negative for alcohol yesterday. friends of rojas say he has not been the same since coming back from active duty in the navy and that he had been posting "crazy stuff online." rojas told police he was hearing voices. >>> later today, president trump will leave on his first overseas trip as the president. >> it's a chance for the president to change the subject after a week of denials and damage control. caroline shively reports from washington. >> reporter: the president has to saudi arabia first and onto western europe. meanwhile in dc, a special counsel is pushing ahead into the investigation into mr. trump and his out to national security adviser michael flynn. >> he's become more famous than me. >> reporter: president trump defending his interactions with fired fbi director james comey. >> did you at any time urged former fbi director james comey in any way shape or form to close her back down the investigation into michael flynn? and also their >> no. no. next
that was not alcohol. >> investigators say rojas had two prior dui arrest. at first he tested negative for alcohol yesterday. friends of rojas say he has not been the same since coming back from active duty in the navy and that he had been posting "crazy stuff online." rojas told police he was hearing voices. >>> later today, president trump will leave on his first overseas trip as the president. >> it's a chance for the president to change the subject after a...
May 19, 2017
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fuentes policiales indican que rojas estaba intoxicado con algo que habrÍa fumado. efectos del alcohol. en sus primeras declaraciones habrÍa dicho que escuchaba voces y que se iba a acabar el mundo. por su parte, el alcalde de nueva york, bill de blasio, enviÓ sus condolencias a familiares de las vÍctimas. descartÓ que el hecho se tratara de un acto terrorista. >> no considero que haya sido un atentado. reportera: richard rojas ha sido acusado de asesinato, enfrenta 20 cargos por intento de homicidio. cinco cargos por homicidio vehicular con agravantes. cuatro vÍctimas se encontraban en condiciÓn crÍtica la noche del jueves. satcha: buenos dÍas y gracias por el informe. en "despierta amÉrica" vamos a hablar un poco acerca del incidente que vamos a recalcar, no se tratÓ de un atentado terrorista. lamentablemente se tratÓ de una situaciÓn que puso en peligro la seguridad de times square y deja una persona muerta, una joven de 18 aÑos y 22 heridos. muchas personas en nueva york se preguntan si estÁn seguras o no. hay que mencionar que este auto avanzÓ durante tres cuad
fuentes policiales indican que rojas estaba intoxicado con algo que habrÍa fumado. efectos del alcohol. en sus primeras declaraciones habrÍa dicho que escuchaba voces y que se iba a acabar el mundo. por su parte, el alcalde de nueva york, bill de blasio, enviÓ sus condolencias a familiares de las vÍctimas. descartÓ que el hecho se tratara de un acto terrorista. >> no considero que haya sido un atentado. reportera: richard rojas ha sido acusado de asesinato, enfrenta 20 cargos por...
May 1, 2017
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. >>> modisto de amo nombre abras rojas en importantes eventos diego medel nunca olvidÓ que su abuelanseÑaron los principios de la alta costura y le inculcaron valores para ser quiÉn es hoy, pero diego mira al lado para mirar al prÓjimo es uno mÁs de la gente extraordinaria. >>> miras origenes son humildes vengo de una familia muy humilde donde crecÍ con abuela en casa. mi tÍa aprendi desde la edad de cinco, seis aÑos, porque ella era maestra de alta costura y aprendÍ con los retazos de tela
. >>> modisto de amo nombre abras rojas en importantes eventos diego medel nunca olvidÓ que su abuelanseÑaron los principios de la alta costura y le inculcaron valores para ser quiÉn es hoy, pero diego mira al lado para mirar al prÓjimo es uno mÁs de la gente extraordinaria. >>> miras origenes son humildes vengo de una familia muy humilde donde crecÍ con abuela en casa. mi tÍa aprendi desde la edad de cinco, seis aÑos, porque ella era maestra de alta costura y aprendÍ...
May 19, 2017
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i ran toward him and i tackled him down. >> a bouncer helped to tackle rojas to the ground and police said he told them the end of the the world was coming and spoked something before the terrifying turn into the crowd. >> the horrifying video captures the moment more than 20 people were hurt ranging from age from 13 to 72. 18-year-old alyssa elsman visiting the city with her family was killed. >> i am in denial. how do you believe that, she just got to new york, it's her happy place. the suspect a navy vet arrested last week for putting a knife to a man's throat and two other drinking offenses. >> he did not have a problem and he came back and started to drink a lot. >> richard rojas will face a judge for arrangement and here in times square the concrete barriers are up and the mayor of new york city making it clear this is not terror related. abc news new york. >>> back if this area, archbishop ryan high school celebrated the ends of the 50 year anniversary of the school. archbishop chaput took part in the celebration and mass along with the alumni of the school. it opened in 1956 o
i ran toward him and i tackled him down. >> a bouncer helped to tackle rojas to the ground and police said he told them the end of the the world was coming and spoked something before the terrifying turn into the crowd. >> the horrifying video captures the moment more than 20 people were hurt ranging from age from 13 to 72. 18-year-old alyssa elsman visiting the city with her family was killed. >> i am in denial. how do you believe that, she just got to new york, it's her...
May 19, 2017
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rojas reportedly told investigators he was hearing voices and expected to die. a security guard tackled him to the ground after he hit a row of steel barriers. >> we're definitely blessed to make it out alive and our school is definitely blessed. we thank god for that. >> and witnesses said it a periods that rojas was under the influence of something so he did pass a breathalyzer test. drug test results, though, are pending. but for now live in fox chase, trang do, cbs-3, "eyewitness news," jan, rahel, back to you. >> trang, thank you. amtrak engineer brandon bostian is free on bail this morning, that's him there, leaving jail, with his lawyer last night. the 34 year old turned himself in earlier in the day, was arraigned on charges in connection to the deadly 2015 amtrak crash, in port richmond. "eyewitness news" spoke to one of the passengers injured in the crash. >> it hurts to see people go to jail. but you know what? he changed people's lives. he ruined my life. >> we filed these charges in a attempt to seek justice for the victims. amtrak train crash. >> a
rojas reportedly told investigators he was hearing voices and expected to die. a security guard tackled him to the ground after he hit a row of steel barriers. >> we're definitely blessed to make it out alive and our school is definitely blessed. we thank god for that. >> and witnesses said it a periods that rojas was under the influence of something so he did pass a breathalyzer test. drug test results, though, are pending. but for now live in fox chase, trang do, cbs-3,...
May 19, 2017
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rojas did not enter a plea. a man who works at a nearby rescue -- restaurant help tackle rojas when he tried to run away. >> people were attempting to grab him but he kept pulling away. he got away from three of them. i tackled him. once i tackled him we found out another man was an off-duty officer. he assisted me along with one other person. some thought he was drunk. i've worked in security for 25 years and i'm not a doctor but i know what alcohol does. i've seen it for 25 years. that was not alcohol. >> according to a criminal complaint, rojas told officers that he had smoked marijuana laced with pcp. officials are awaiting toxicology results. investigators say rojas to two prior dui arrest. >>> president trump is heading to saudi arabia, the first stop on his trip abroad since taking office. >> reporter: deputy attorney general rod rosenstein is back on capitol hill this morning. this time briefing house lawmakers about his recommendation to appoint a special counsel to investigate possible ties between pre
rojas did not enter a plea. a man who works at a nearby rescue -- restaurant help tackle rojas when he tried to run away. >> people were attempting to grab him but he kept pulling away. he got away from three of them. i tackled him. once i tackled him we found out another man was an off-duty officer. he assisted me along with one other person. some thought he was drunk. i've worked in security for 25 years and i'm not a doctor but i know what alcohol does. i've seen it for 25 years. that...
May 20, 2017
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prosecutors say richard rojas was high on marijuana and pcp when he plowed his car into the crowd onhursday. he reportedly told police he wanted to, quote, kill them all. in a 2012 police report, investigators say rojas told police in florida that he wanted to kill officers. rojas is now charged with murder and 20 counts of attempted murder in the crash. >>> it was passengers and crew members who worked together to subdue a man who tried to rush the cockpit on an american airlines plane. the flight was headed from los angeles to honolulu yesterday. police say a flight attendant blocked his way by jamming a serving cart in the aisle. passengers helped duct tape hum to a seat. >> the first class attendant was just -- i would never want to go against her. she was -- she was tasked with keeping him out of there and she did a great job. >> the plane eventually landed in honolulu with a military jet escort and police arrested the man. authorities say it appeared he had been drinking. >>> filing for divorce. that's what the wife of former new york congressman anthony weiner did just hours a
prosecutors say richard rojas was high on marijuana and pcp when he plowed his car into the crowd onhursday. he reportedly told police he wanted to, quote, kill them all. in a 2012 police report, investigators say rojas told police in florida that he wanted to kill officers. rojas is now charged with murder and 20 counts of attempted murder in the crash. >>> it was passengers and crew members who worked together to subdue a man who tried to rush the cockpit on an american airlines...
May 19, 2017
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rojas allegedly told plooez police he heard voices and wanted to die.is friends say he was going through a tough time and posting crazy stuff online. that wreck could have been an act of terrorism. >> everyone is just grabbing us and telling us to pull back. >> the first feeling was that it might be something like an attack when a car plows. >> there were no they believe this was a singular act. sources tell nbc news that rojas had a dishonorable discharge from the navy. >>> new at 11 d.c. jail officials are investigating a second inmate death this month. kenneth parker was found unresponsive in his cell this afternoon. parker was charged in the 2014 shooting. you may remember stancil was shot in the head and the little boy survived. he was just 9 years old at the time. d.c. jail officials have not released information on the circumstances of parker's death. >>> a family's fear realized after a regularly scheduled check in turned into deportitation proceeding for an undocumented woman in fairfax. friends, family and immigration advocates protested outsi
rojas allegedly told plooez police he heard voices and wanted to die.is friends say he was going through a tough time and posting crazy stuff online. that wreck could have been an act of terrorism. >> everyone is just grabbing us and telling us to pull back. >> the first feeling was that it might be something like an attack when a car plows. >> there were no they believe this was a singular act. sources tell nbc news that rojas had a dishonorable discharge from the navy....
May 19, 2017
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that was not alcohol. >> investigators say rojas had two prior dui arrest. police that he initially tested negative for alcohol yesterday. friends of rojas say he has not been the same since coming back from active duty in the navy. rojas told the police he was hearing voices. >>> the penalty phase of the murder trial of antolin garcia- torres will continue on monday. the defense will present its case. the prosecution wrapped up yesterday with emotional testimony from sierra lamar's parents. maureen naylor was in the courtroom and said many jurors and court observers teared up listening to the testimony of sierra's mother. she talked about the last time she saw sierra and that she hugged her goodbye the morning she disappeared. ever legal analyst michael cardoza spoke with heather holmes about the power of that testimony. >> parents losing a child get up in front of the jury and share the loss, the feeling -- it brings me almost to tears right now as i think about it because of my children. i can't imagine losing a child this way. so it is very effective wit
that was not alcohol. >> investigators say rojas had two prior dui arrest. police that he initially tested negative for alcohol yesterday. friends of rojas say he has not been the same since coming back from active duty in the navy. rojas told the police he was hearing voices. >>> the penalty phase of the murder trial of antolin garcia- torres will continue on monday. the defense will present its case. the prosecution wrapped up yesterday with emotional testimony from sierra...