, only until ten, yes, a disco, yes, when i sang a song , i fell in love, a kitten in a cow meadow rokoler twin, and i started life all over again at the age of 30, i took off then, wrote a popular album, my brother came out, where there was a sensational song brother vanya shoot a friend, bravo, let's take a piece brother don't shoot, oh, frosty morning, cold morning, guy in they carry a white shirt, and along with the funeral march, and on novognkov, oh, how hard your last journey is, your family and friends bowed low, here is the final blow of the hammer, life has become disheartening, what is the point of truth now, if you sob, your soul is torn, brothers , don't shoot each other, you have nothing in life share, at a round table, forget about the trouble, because it’s hard for everyone, burying friends. this is all kemerovo, he’s like this, all his life, all his life, i want , you know, andrey, i’m watching your program, you, as i remember, our president said, we need to turn to the people, you, you came back to this transmitter to our dna, we must all return to our origins, this is