here's our correspond, roland buerk. >> once it was a symbol of japan's belief in a nuclear future. the biggest nuclear power station in the world. we were taken through the heavy, water-tight doors, into the maze of corridors inside, right to the control room for the reactors, built to power tokyo. once by one, all japan's nuclear power stations have been shut down, and now the output is zero. this is the very heart of their power station. that music is a warning that the air lock is open. over here, that water, that's the pool where the spent nuclear fuel, still radioactive, of course, is being stored. next to it, that circular structure, that's the top of the reactor itself. now, before the disaster at fukushima, japan relied on nuclear power for nearly a third of its electricity. the nearby town now faces a choice between fear and economic collapse. the power station is the biggest employer, but like other local communities, they're reluctant to allow it to be restarted, wary of another fukushima. but the lights must be kept on in tokyo, a glistens metropolis that consumes vast