roland burke is in miagi prefecture. >> it looks as if this tsunami could have happened yesterday, not four months ago. the land was pushed down by the earthquake. it is lower than before. at every high tide, the secana n come in. now fish are swimming around. this is one of the many problems people in this town face. for the scavengers along japan's coast, the last few months have brought a bounty. the cleanup is now underway, but there is much work to be done. boats are stranded in a land where they were tossed by the tsunami. the rebuilding to begin, they have to be moved. -- for rebuilding to begin. they are putting it on a trailer. 96 wheels are needed to support the weight. they built a special way out of steel, a pathway to the sea. salvaging just this one boat is taking four days. there are three others over there. of course, up and down the coast, there are many more in devastated towns. well, this is what was the main shopping district of this town. swept this in ae tsunami through. this area was full of debris. has been cleared away. amazing that it has been done so quickly.