be empress joining us to discuss this so cooler murakami she's a reporter with the japan times roland kelts is a journalist and author of japan america and we also have one of the she's an activist and former member of the organization sales also known as students emergency action for liberal democracy welcome everybody is there a greeting that i need to give you for the beginning of a brand new era what would you say to each other in japan. i'm just going to you're going to get exactly considered there's a letter consider that somebody said to yourself oh right so guess live let me show you this this picture so could i know you've been covering this end of an era beginning of a new era people standing outside of the imperial palace taking pictures i don't think they could see the ceremony from there but they were certainly out there infused astley marking this moment what is the atmosphere like in japan as one emperor stands down and know about see a new emperor come into being. i think in general it's been very much about gratitude towards. emeritus he really carved out he developed a ver