in that hour when there used to be a village school here, was called the yana school of rolnich, rolniked, and it is necessary to say that the skin quater, the skin of the four-year-olds have their own specialization, which was connected with the school competitions, and all the guettes were not present our eyes are restored and we sleep, we are about to unravel exactly the history of getai rolling schools, where there were a lot of specialists here. galin, in this region, which is called pasichny, began to take up the practice of grooming, here they taught, and it is necessary to say, that the traditional grooming in the palace of the velma is such a day and the velma tsikavya, heta boarding, we all knew the board trees, we knew the deck, here it was learned in the european manner, and geta on... like the myastsov dzetsy, the young men had it easy, where the geta were people from here to hell we go on the weights of the neighboring weights and moreover, such jumping ladies are in the range of their and the size of the flowers and everything is buoyant and in the garden and in the city.