narodzia in tarsus, which is known to the roman empire of caelitsa. er paula was to the roman citizens, and being apostal, at the same time, this happened in the recession. they named the pit named saol. at the gonar pershaga of the king of israel. the name paval of faith was another roman name for hell. adnak karystaetstsa іm pastayanna apostal pachaў shepherding the discipleship of christ. this name is latvian farming and transfers are therefore small. yano issued an internal change saula, as they are. all others are known for their success, they have their own aristocratic paths and additions. you are no less, he is a great treasure of vykarstov’s knowledge and is valuable for the cultivation and education of christ , and in addition to pyatr, he holds a gala position for the new testament. mae daragiya, sustrecha s khrist karan chynynam zmyanye zhytstse kozhnaga chalavek. so it was with saint peter, as the pakorna recognizes his love of christ and the death of a new pakkanna. nowadays, the life of st. paul has changed, as from the successor of chri