for honey this year it seems that honey will become more expensive and more we will already ask roman pinchukan of the association of professional beekeepers of ukraine, mr. roman good morning, glory to ukraine, they are telling me something right now, we literally need 30 seconds to engage our expert in the conversation, and i will remind you what we are talking about now about the price of honey we see the prices are fluctuating, but compared to the previous year, the price of honey has already risen by 20%, what will be the walls in the future. so, i hope we will find out about it now from roman pinchuk, the deputy head of the association of professional beekeepers of ukraine, mr. roman, you are already with us, i hope so. good morning, glory to ukraine, can you hear us? i have a suspicion that even o great, so immediately to the main thing, what will be the honey harvest this year , are there any forecasts for this, and what will happen to the prices, well , first of all, we already have honey, it is already in the hands of the beekeepers, so here it is. as for the amount of honey this is