already smoldering in the 1st century of the new millennium 80 kilometers up the rhine the city of rome swizz experiencing friction between the ruling salient dynasty and the new bishop. immediately after his investiture he had begun planning a cathedral on the highest point in the town vaughn's too was to boast an imposing building that like a castle would highlight the supremacy of the church. the idea was also to rebuild the town in the shadow of the new cathedral. the new bishop for heart was the right man for the job. it was an associate of the dynamic archbishop of mine's religious with similar determination he set out to underscore the had germany of the church or card was a talented organizer and as the town administrator favored by villegas he immediately set to work. with bush that you could call news in the towers when their shot arrived here in the year 1000 he intended to show that he was the lord of the town as its bishop and he did everything he could encoding activating his connections at the imperial court decide to get the salience to give up their property in volumes of foo