sochi greer and romita williams have spent months transforming themselves with plastic surgery to lookike the duchess of sussex. and today they're revealing their new looks. [ applause ] we first met sochi at her home in houston. >> i think she is a beautiful woman. and as i'm changing the features that i have, i want those features to more resemble meghan. >> i feel like i'm more box right now. so i want to have that little hourglass figure. >> this 36-year-old lawyer and single mother of three is getting plastic surgery in the hopes it will turn her life around. >> my body has changed since having another child. my self-esteem was just lower because the way things went with the father of my child. i'm hoping that this will give me something that i need to get back out there. >> reporter: ultimately she is hoping a new confidence on the outside will boost her inner sense of self. >> i had a very hard time talking to men in a nonfriendship manner. the plastic surgery just helps to give me more self-confidence on my outward appearance while i'm fixing my inward appearance, you know, pri