and romulus, that was the case with romulus. he was 20 years old.hing that attracted me about romulus was that he and his buddy, just another farm boy from down the road had enlisted together, and they fought together, and they fought in the cavalry drew, were captured in in thee incidents, -- cavalry together, were captured and sent incidents -- in separate incidents, and they ended up in the same prison camp. so their stories just unfolded in tandem. then they both were loaded onto the sultana, and they both survived, and they both went home, back to their family farms, and tried their best to create a normal life. katty: when romulus signed up and it listed for the union army, he had already lost relation to it, hadn't he? one of his brothers had been killed. alan: that's correct, he had five brothers who it served in the union army, and one was killed in kentucky. so he enlisted soon after. and you know, it is easy to imagine that maybe that had something to do with his decision to do that. maddox, you know, his friend, maddox, i think they deci