shortly after the attack i met with ron brassard, and he and his family there to cheer on a friend.dn't -- i see people's mouths moving and stuff but i couldn't hear anything. >> how close were you to the first it. >> i think we were probably ten feet away. the noise was, i think, scarier than the plast itself because it was so loud. >> i wanted to share his story with you again. we called the hospital, ron is in good condition. he does need more surgery. but he's said to be doing well. we have been taking time out to remember the victims of the bombings. i'm joined by dr. sanjay gupta joining us on the phone right now. sanjay, just this information we've got in the tweet from the u.s. attorney's office saying the hospital, beth israel, upgraded the suspect's condition to fair. what does that tell you? what does that mean? >> yeah, you know, when you go from serious condition, which means that the person's vital signs looking at the heart rate, blood pressure, things like that, are stable but still going up and down a bit, a little bit concerning, still requiring intensive care unit