announcer: ron carlton here with the news, -- captions by vitac brought to you every morning by scrub. hi, honey. uh, i thought you'd left. no. why? it's early. i have a feeling mother's going to drop in. it's late. just a minute. she promised the next time she came she'd let me know in advance. and now a special announcement. darrin stephens of this city will receive a visit from his mother-in-law today. [ ding! ] that's what you call letting me know in advance? you didn't specify how far in advance. this is for you, darling. oh. who's it from? ticheba. oh, my goodness. tiche-who? ticheba. she's -- oh, my goodness. what does she say? she -- she said -- oh, my goodness. stop saying that and tell me. oh, my goodness. look, honey, if it's going to upset you, just tell this ticheba not to come. [ gasps ] endora: not to come? [ laughs ] that's the funniest thing you've ever said. nobody tells ticheba anything. why not? who is she -- queen of the witches or something? that is right. that's right. ask a silly question... [ thunder crashes ] [ wind howling ] how very nice. well, thank you, y