here's one of the most recent ones, ron chernow. with got into the habit, great fortitude and courage, he would go four or five hours at a stretch without eating or drinking. that wasn't just to avoid the pain of swallowing, but to avoid taking painkillers that might interfere with his mental clarity. any -- i don't know if any masterpiece like this has been composed under such terrific circumstances. even mark twain said that style is flawless and no one can improve upon it. was such aht it great military memoir that it deserved to stand alongside seasoned commentators. many have agreed. brian: what would you add to that? ms. samet: i would suggest that the story of the memoir's composition is part of wetlands this book it's great power. the pain that grant suffered, the way he had to conserve his energy, the library of congress has a collection of many of the notes that grant would write. ofad the moving experience readin g the manuscript alongsie those notes. you see the dissolution of his depletingody, and the of the reserves of