ron cruse is author of "lies, bribes and peril". international businessman at large. nice to meet you. how would you describe the business climate for u.s. companies looking at emerging markets in looking to go global? right now is very tough course everybody is retrenched but basically i will state that the climate is awful but the studies have been basically the u.s. is going to be the smallest part of the gdp the world gdp court the next five to 10 years. so basically my outlook is that there are market share to win. globally. yes. those emerging markets in the small markets are seen as the sport is going to reignite the global economy and provide a big upside growth because those consumers have a lot of leverage whereas the u.s. consumer doesn't power companies of position and those somewhat risky areas in the market? but i think that might vary by industry. going back to the other point if you think about the seller but industry which is a little bit of trouble today but from a legislative point of view it doesn't take long to think the guys with toothpaste and e