and author ron geraci and another segment of father knows, this is important because we need the questions. send an e-mail to >> whatever. >> whatever. hey, time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post-game wrapup. >> thank you, greg. >> greg: you're welcome. >> john, is it true that you can sing the entire song jesus christ superstar as well as pleasure women with your jedi mind. >> yes, and, yes. >> simple yes, simple answer. >> professor hill, if they can show compassion for those that blew up a plane, why can't you show compassion for mets fans? >> because mets fans are evil. arrogant couple sucking people. >> convicted terrorist should be set free, mets fan, no mercy. professor hill, why don't you wine a little more on twitter. >> i am sick. i think it's a cold. >> god. is it true the new york times doing a profile of you? >> let's ask pinch. >> i hate to break this to you but those were just guys coming to your house asking you if you want to subscribe. >> no, they were going to take pictures this sunday. clearl