they go all the way around the planet and you'll find ron heinz. he is a retired physically disabled texas licensed veterinarian with a ph.d. in biology. he spent his career working with exotic animals at a research facility here in maryland. he worked at sea world. he was in private practice. he's just an amazing veterinarian who, after he retired, because his disabilities made it impossible for him to continue to work, he still wanted to help animals. so one day, he and the missionaries in rural nigeria start writing e-mails to each other about what to do about the cat. how should we feed the cat? how can we make sure this cat stays healthy? what are the things we should looking out for? ron and the missionaries are exchanging e-mails. ron starts doing this with other people too, mostly for free, although occasionally he would charge people a flat fee of a couple of bucks, just to help him cover the cost of keeping his website going. he never made any money doing it. what has just transpired? a disabled 70-year-old man in texas writes an e-mail t