positive economic data in the coming months, is the market due for a while ride let's bring in ron insana, as -- and jamie cobbles, managing partner -- >> less than 30 days away. >> that's right. i think the question for the afternoon is this, jamie let me begin by asking you this -- is the momentum in the economy, in the ration neighbors trade, the reopening trade strong enough to propel this market higher you even in the face of rising interest rates. which will win out between now and year end, which is the stronger force? >> i think gdp growth already wildly more important. what you will see probably happen is interest rates sort of moderate where they are around here i don't see them climbing wade -- a lot more from here, but i do believe that what you're going to see is a massive surge in demand that we've been waiting to see for some time you'll see economic data in prints you've never seen before, like 900,000 job gains or a million job gains. these will take gdp growth levels we thought we wouldn't see under 2023 o. 2024 people need to realize there will be a lot of money in the