that is, and ron kon, joining us live from west jerusalem. let's bring in model on the shadow. now he is eligible for a senior political analyst and he's joining us by skype from paris. my mom, very good to have you with as a mom was mentioning how the paper that you us government to saying that they are watching the situation very closely. i want to know what you think about that. what is watching the situation very closely mean and also how much do you think that this is, randy government has been in bold and to do whatever it's doing because of the lack of will the sort of breakdown and communication that we're seeing between as well. and as ally, the us that you'd be inviting about this. yes, the administration has in many ways been uh, sort of softer towards the palestinians. but its been much worse in terms of its peace meant of is right. even worse than the trough administration in some ways because as a binding while he tried to reverse much of what the president trump did. in fact, he continues to and you know, uh, sort of uh on the line. a lot of the legal steps taken