at this i will hand it over to ron metser who will talk more about the design. >> thank you steve. happy to be here on behalf the team and so going through the design-the first thing we to look at is how to make the project complementary to the fabric of the community dwened so looked at other projects and blocks developed at the same time and how we might compliment that to redevelopment the masing strategy to dojust that. you can see the building across 8th street and how we are complimenting that with similar massing but done differently. we see 8th and harnyicize important. it is the gateway to the waterfront park and a pex to the wedge park on candle stick. we took the mass of that building, raised it up to give more importance which you will see as we go through the presentation. we also took the mass the building as you come into candingistic and lowered it to street level which yoi also see. this is how it is translated into architecture. we took the important corning at 8th and harny, raised it up so expresses a transparent base for the retail environment at the corner ope