also the reverend ron owens of holy redeemer institutional church of god and christ he joins me now. and as we are watching this, reverend, you met with the doj, did you have a meeting with the doj? >> we did have a meeting today with the doj. we thought they were candid honest and forthright. >> i'm sorry, say again? >> we did have a meeting, a select group of seven to nine leaders, variations across the city did meet with the doj and the director of the civil rights division. >> is there any concern, because as we're watching this, we're speaking to our correspondents who are out there, and the people don't seem to be going home. is that a concern for you? >> i think it's beginning to be a concern. i think anytime you see lawlessness and direct intentions to disobey the officers, absolutely. and that's not what we've worked -- we led the most successful march ever yesterday, when with elijah cummings myself, 200 pastors across the city linked arm in arm, walked, engaged the police and helped them move two brigades up and put out fires. we didn't do what we did for what we're seeing