whether it's ron wall or rand paul or mike lior even somebody like dennis cue soon itch, barney frank. >> bernie sanders yeah, these are people, they are gaining in prominence and they are screwing around with the, you know, the kind of settled categories. if somebody like tom coburn, got to be four big military. in fact, he's one of the lead be republicans, leading senators, questioning whether or not the military industrial complex should have a blank check. >> everybody shis bernie sanders is a big left. can't find a stronger capital for a more conservative point of view than capital requirements than bernie sanders. i think as we understand the narrative collectively better about what it means to be conservative what it means to have investment innovation and problem-solving in a way that is fair and collaborative, i think that finding these values to all systems, assigning them, becomes more and more possible and i suspect the two of you are very much a part of that and i congratulate you on the book. absolute pleasure. have a great independence day. there's the book. "declaration of independence."