terms of a third narrative, if you will, about a tragic narrative or accidental narrative, captain ron snyder is pictured here with the arrow here and the body of jeff miller and, again, carol mirman is in this photo, as well. snyder has said, and we don't have time to play his clip, my personal feeling is that it was a terrible accident. that's number one. second thing would be it was a terrible accident that received national attention to the national conscience. okay? another guardsman who remained a anonymous said "there's no one to blame, no incident to blame. in my mind i think was the dynamics of a lot of things happening at that one time. i truly feel sorry for a lot of people and i want to say that i feel equally sorry for the families of those students that were shot and equally sorry for the guardsmen that shot them." so trying to wrap up, in how we can sort of think about these narratives and the events at kent in the larger understanding of the '60s, historian david steigerwald has said that for those on the left, the '60s "was a moment of great change abruptly ended by war and r