my cohost is ron swisher. you will see him at another show in the future. with me today is chaplain dave robinson. you are recently retired as the director of the correctional institution's chaplaincy. >> yes. >> and welcome, welcome to retirement. >> thank you much. yes. judge after many, many years of serving in corrects, tell us what -- corrections, tell us what corrections institutional chaplainsy is. >> correctional chap -- cic ministries, correctional institutions chaplaincy is a non-profit formed in the epi'60s and incorporated in the '70s as a joint effort with the evangelical association and the council of churches. at that point, we were one of the few remaining love childs of that movement. so, we're here with a specific purpose of serving all of the men, women and youth incarcerated in santa clara count. we're non-profit. part of our budget comes from the county. >> okay. >> part of the budget comes from local churches, faith communities and individuals who are supporting of this ministry. >> so, tell us a bit about the santa clara county system