director ron wilson. and more people are coming. come quickly because it's happening now, but two very important people are here from h.p.f. hunters point family has become one of our most important park partners helping us all throughout our park system, but in particular, making a huge difference right here at civic center, we just wrapped up an amazing center with our ice skating rink. the bike cafe is now three to four months old. if you haven't noticed, civic center plaza is becoming a park. there really have been some remarkable improvements and as our commission president likes to point out, victory has many parents. this is true. there are a lot of reasons why civic center is doing well, but none is as -- any more important than our friends at hunters point family. every day, seven days a week, hunters point family civic center commons steward support families using the plaza and playground. they have become a truly vital resource for the mrs.s, for our organization, for families, for soccer teams, in addition to greeting ea