this is ron ziegler's office after the resignation speech. n, and iane sawyer, me. >> so, we will now see some from the interviews that frank conducted with president nixon. all then deal with the period to the resignation, and the very dark days of eearly august 1974. frank, talk about what we will see. sets are four different of clips. frank will give some context on them, then we will roll them. talk about the first set of clips that we will see. >> these clips are available on the nixon library website. in preparing them, i think of it as an old mice to ken burns. they are the clips, but they are preceded by title cards which explain what they are. i will be the human title card here to set them up. but if you go to the library website, even see them, and more will have a much succint explanation. we've divided them into four groups. on the first, you will hear, present brings ziglier, his secretary, and heig, the white house chief of staff, acting as a national security person, although henry kissinger was of course the secretary of state