. -- 1986 -- itunt is one thing to say about ronald butan and speaker o'neill, bob packwood and dan rostenkowski with the architect -- >> i will add them to the list. >> since then, we've done nothing to the tax code but at credits for socially worthy, whether it is insulation, giving to diabetes, what ever else -- >> nascar -- all sorts of stuff. >> we have a member with a history in the banking industry. >> don't remind me. >> that excludes him from the discussion. >> i want to say one thing about the tax policy center, because we hear it dismissed as a liberal organization -- >> that was the romney campaign. >> one of the authors was an economic adviser to who? president george h.w. bush. this is not some liberal organization, this is not a pro- obama study. this was done for the brookings institution. the analysis of the ronny text plan justice not add up. -- the analysis of the romney tax plan just does not add up. >> obama is attacking the only good part of it! >> it does not have to do with what obama add to it say. getting rid of the loopholes, and he does not say which -- >> to be conti