at this time i am calling upon ronald rolfwel. friendship house of board of director in san francisco. [applause] nice to see you here tonight. i am pleased and honored also to be able to bring eddy madrill up here as an award of the american eagle local award. and he is a member of the tribe of southern arizona. he is an active and highly- respected member of the san francisco bay area communities representing and celebrating his culture as a dancer, singer, culture, playwright, filmmaker, artist, and educator. all around renaissance man here yen his involvement and commitment to native heritage has brought him the opportunity to share wealth of information with the first communities. his gift for reaching used in powerful ways is reflected intense popular presentations and bay area schools come arts, educationally and youth prevention programs where he works closely with students to develop their appreciation and respect for american indian dance, music, culture, history and sign language. he is the founding member of the ensemb