understand the unique world of mother-daughter relationships, we're joined by psychologist roni cohen-sandler. she's the author of a number of books on this subject, including "i'm not mad, i just hate you!" well, that title sure sums up how a lot of girls feel sometimes about their moms. does that mean they don't have a close and loving relationship? >> not at all. in fact, the opposite is true. so much of the time, you're so close to your mom and she feels so close to you, the relationship is so important to both of you, that it can arouse good and bad. >> why do so many girls in their teen years have issues with their moms? >> well, it actually makes a lot of sense developmentally, because this is the time of life where you're kind of at cross purposes with your mom sometimes. you may want to have more freedom, but you're still living at home, and mom makes the rules. you may want to make more of your own decisions, but mom may have very definite ideas about you doing things her way. so, it's actually not a surprise that there are more clashes during this time period. >> everyone gets into