down with -- let us break this down with ronnie chan. always great to see you. ut this drop in property sales. are you disappointed? how are you reading what we saw in the first half? ronnie: not at all. a is transitioning from being property investment and property sales company to become basically property investment company. yvonne: what does it tell you about the property demand in hong kong at the moment? i think starting to slow down or could things revive in the second half? ronnie: in the long run, there is always a shortage of land. yvonne: you're are talking about selling properties. you mentioned some of the inventories you still have. 13 units, 12 of which are in happy valley, of course. what is the strategy to sell down those units? they have been taken for some time now. ronnie: yes and no. sell itbeen trying to consistently. the problem is it is rough. hong kong dollar has popped. there's not many buyers. whenever we can find one, we are very happy to sell them. we sold three in the last six months. yvonne: what is the strategy now? we are coming a