. >> what started as a high school crush for tina davis and ronnie goss rekindled as adults. as fate would have it, ronnie was also newly single. and just like that, they started a whirlwind romance. but for tina davis, that happiness was short lived, stunted by ronnie's wandering eye. tina davis said her husband had three women on the side, but still couldn't imagine going through another painful divorce. were either of you aware that ronnie was cheating on your mother? >> no, not until mom told us that he was going to divorce him. he was cheating on her, and it wasn't the first time. that's one of the biggest betrayals that you can have. >> ronnie begged tina to stay. she refused, and as a precaution, had a security system installed. do you think it was a good idea that your mom get an alarm system on the hous? >> yes. it was a good idea. just because of how he had been acting during the divorce. i thought she really needed one. >> for weeks, ronnie refused to accept her decision, trying to talk her out of a divorce, but her mind was made up and that seemed like the end. it