handling the show alone because we have very special guest, uh, those of you who go to ront paul institute conferences, you will recognize this next guest is someone who gives extraordinarily and insightful talks to the group uh, and i'm talking about retired ci. counter intelligence officer phil geraldi joining us from virginia. phil, good morning, how are you? i'm fine, dan. thank you, thank you for having me on. thanks so much for joining us, it's been a while, it's been too long, but things are. deteriorating in the middle east uh, we talked about on yesterday's show how biden was asked if the bombing was working in yemen, he said no, but we're going to keep doing it, so there there you go with that, um, the us is getting more and more involved in the israel gaza war, uh, we saw today that the uk is getting more involved, they're sending uh surveillance drones over in increasingly, seem to be the only two countries that have taste for it, france is not that interested in dealing in the red sea, but nevertheless we seem to be... drawn more and more into it, so i wanted to just talk a little bit mor