meteorologist)) 3 ((trrffic reporter ad libs))map old court mmp 3iber mapp- 3 3 3 coming up...he's a rooker ndactorr..butthe's a whole lot more... thii is america- we can fix these problems.""-&problems."ho is aking a sttnd agginst hungerrin our country.and the otherr... a home cookeddmeal. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) 3 jon bonnjovi ants you to boo appetite! the &pnew jersey rocker has opened up a newwrestaurant... it's called the "soul kitchhn." as chriitine persichhtte reports.. it's serving up food for people in need. persichette says (stand up): &p"ii ou're livin' onna praaer &pwithout aapaycheck- jon bon jovi wants to make sure yoo eat. but his "soul kitchen" is no soup kitchen."bon jovi &psays: "this is monmouth county, new jersey- his is anyttwn, usa.. his is america- we can fix these problems." and new jjrsey's wn jon bon jovi wants to fix the problem of hunger- by opening a restaurant. but no one eats for free here at the soul kitchen. either- you pay cash- or you paa by jooi says: "the soul kitchen is meant to serve eople in need who then donate theirr time.. in our community in exchang