take our first call of the evening from rootstown, ohio, this is duncan. hello, duncan. >> caller: hi. >> what's your question? >> caller: i was curious about any bad things charles evans hughes might have said about woodrow wilson, any bad things he might have done with the first term of his presidency. >> any bad things he said about woodrow wilson? >> well, he certainly criticized the lack of preparedness for wilson in terms of not having an army, a navy up to speed in case war came. he was also very critical of the wilson policy in mexico where you have the revolutions overthrowing the diaz administration, and i think 1912 or regime, and then the country devolves into chaos. if you see the movies "viva via." or "vive zapata," you just see one revolution replacing another right on. will is concerned that, say, general huerta not impose another dictatorship on mexico and sends marines into veracruz to block german arms shipments. there's incidents, crazy incidents over why they come in. it's like a flag flew here or not there. but the troops come, they g