stoddard and rory cooper. the front-runner mitt romney, or dr romney is 48, 35, 50/35 mishl. try to answer the question this time, how do you think any of them close the gap with the president? >> first off, obviously you're selectively choosing polls. >> there's -- >> hold it, rory. rory, you're quoting state polls, i'm quoting national polls. we vote for president? 50 states, not one. president obama is not in the primary against them. he's in the general. so try again. how do you close the national gap? >> you're asking about general election matchups. if you're looking at president obama because of his terrible jobs report, because of the economic growth, you have president obama coming out there at the press conference every day. jay tapper asked him, can you name one specific on entitlements? he can't name one specific reform he's willing to do. how can you lose all these states? >> it seems hopeless to get a republican on the show to answer the question. why don't you try for me. can you explain how the