rory o'hare, that dazzlingly ambitious no, was my most profitable trader in the hole for many years untilwas seduced by the proverbial american dream. but fortunately for us, the weather after her tired him, and he returned home. rory called about. half a year ago and asked. can he return to our fold by convincing me that he became american enough and left enough british to bring you quieted something. and if i start calling patricia, patty or tresh god, how sick of their swagger in america everything is easier. it would be nice if everyone in the world were americans, just from this their mr. and mrs. i avoided playing along. you convince them. yes, something about a new york penthouse. we decided not to sell the farm in sura predotherm. it's just chatter. i have to go to work, saturday, i know, i'm sorry. i didn't think my friend would see you here again. you know, america tired me, i wanted new achievements. here she is the meryl of success in life when america is tiring and what plans do you have to modernize the company? to attract large american clients. hey why are you kidding, no,