younger, did not have nearly as much experience as a ceo but i look back at the decision to sell to ros asokink the p we got to pick up with a juggernaut of a company that understands how to grow, how devoted business, has one of the best, if not the best business management team and technology. that was really the hope in the dream and like most acquisitions do not work out that way. you can look over the past years how many acquisitions have sellingnder abruptly because of culture clashes, changes in vision and whatever, misalignment. we have been it what to do this for over four years and that is what is awesome about that decision. it came true. i think we got a little lucky, meaning not many people get to get to this point, but we also worked very hard. emily: at the time you were contemplating raising money, talking to twitter about selling to them and then mark zuckerberg came into the picture. what happened? kevin: the acquisition happened quickly. we decided it was the right thing to do and closed over the weekend, easter weekend. i remember being at his house and has been like, let